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From: TEMPLIE Cédric (cedric.templie_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-12-20 04:37:38

Oki :)

I have another problem....
I have a link error. I search on QT doc and it seems that this linkage
error is due to a missed of qmake step (that generate moc files).

Is this step auto-performed by the QT toolset ?
If yes, have I something more than explain in examples to do ?

Thx in advance


Jürgen Hunold wrote:
> Hi !
> On Friday 17 December 2004 17:43, TEMPLIE Cédric wrote:
>>I try to build a project using QT, but there is a little mistake with
>>lib names...
> Yes, knwon issue, AFAIK
>>My question is more what is the better way to deal...
>>So, I use the QT 3.3.3 version, and the name of the qt-mt lib is
>>qt-mt333.lib. The problem is that boost try to use qt-mt.lib...
>>What is the best way to deal with this problem :
>>- Changing the name of the QT library in the QT install dir
> Not good when using dll's.
>>- Changing the name in the qt.jam file (maybe by adding a thing that
>>check the QT version and choose the good library automaticaly, like
>>for msvc) (I prefer this approach)
>>What is your opinion ?
> Yes, but I would wait for Qt4 before doing changes.
> I'd like to be able to code the qt-version in the build-path, too.
> This is something which could be copied from the upcoming python
> toolset. Volodya ?
> I workaround this issue by manually changing qt.jam for now.
> I'd like to wait for Qt4beta1 and look what has to be changed to get it
> working. And then I'll try and hack a set of Jamfiles for qt4
> itself ;-))
> Yours,
> Jürgen


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