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Boost-Build :

From: TEMPLIE Cédric (cedric.templie_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-12-23 05:34:17


I have a project that generate an exe.
I need to build this project with differents names, and changing only
the ressources for the icon. I write a Jamfile (attach to the mail), but
I have again the duplicate target error...

The Jamfile correspond of what I exactly want, but what I need is a way
to make that working...

I think about using variant, and setting in default-build all of my
variant. But I want to keep the fact that if I am in debug mode I use
the debug variant settings (optimization-off ...) and the same for

Any idea how can I do that ?

Thx in advance


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project Launcher
: requirements
<toolset>msvc:<linkflags>"qt-mt333.lib qtmain.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib imm32.lib winmm.lib wsock32.lib winspool.lib delayimp.lib"

# Main target : to build the executable
alias executable : Launcher "Configure ASI" "Monitor ASI" "Send Problem Report" "Start Flash Communicator" export_exe ;
explicit Launcher "Configure ASI" "Monitor ASI" "Send Problem Report" "Start Flash Communicator" export_exe ;

# Files needed to build the project
local cppFiles = [ glob *.cpp ] ;
local headerFiles = [ glob *.h ] ;
local miscFiles ;

# Build the project from source files
exe Launcher
: $(cppFiles:BS) $(headerFiles:BS)
: <library>/qt//qt

# Build Launcher as Configure ASI (add the icon)
miscFiles = ./Configure_ASI/resource.h
./Configure_ASI/Configure_ASI.rc ;
exe "Configure ASI"
: $(cppFiles:BS) $(headerFiles:BS) $(miscFiles)
: <library>/qt//qt

# Build Launcher as Monitor ASI (add the icon)
miscFiles = ./Monitor_ASI/resource.h
./Monitor_ASI/Monitor_ASI.rc ;
exe "Monitor ASI"
: $(cppFiles:BS) $(headerFiles:BS) $(miscFiles)
: <library>/qt//qt

# Build Launcher as Send Problem Report (add the icon)
miscFiles = ./Send_Problem_Report/resource.h
./Send_Problem_Report/Send_Problem_Report.rc ;
exe "Send Problem Report"
: $(cppFiles:BS) $(headerFiles:BS) $(miscFiles)
: <library>/qt//qt

# Build Launcher as Start Flash Communicator (add the icon)
miscFiles = ./Start_Flash_Communicator/resource.h
./Start_Flash_Communicator/Start_Flash_Communicator.rc ;
exe "Start Flash Communicator"
: $(cppFiles:BS) $(headerFiles:BS) $(miscFiles)
: <library>/qt//qt

# Exports
stage export_exe
: Launcher
"Configure ASI"
"Monitor ASI"
"Send Problem Report"
: <location>$(BIN_ROOT)
; --------------060901060105020107060709--

Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at