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Boost-Build :

From: Rene Rivera (grafik.list_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-05-09 15:49:25

scottlburson wrote:
> Ha! I found it! A few lines above the code quoted below in
> This amounts to an assumption that the variable `TOP' has no value.
> However, these variables are initialized from the environment. So if
> there is an environment variable TOP with a nonnull value, the code
> breaks. Users of the `top' program, like me, sometimes set the `TOP'
> environment variable in our `.login' or whatever.
> So it isn't really a problem with Boost.Jam per se, but rather with
> the code in `allyourbase.jam'.
> Meanwhile, anyone running into this problem needs only to do `unset
> TOP' (sh) or `unsetenv TOP' (csh) in the shell in which they're about
> to do the build.

Awesome.. Thanks for finding this. I've made a change that should
prevent this particular case from happening. By making the empty TOP
assumption explicit.

-- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything
-- Redshift Software, Inc. -
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