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Boost-Build :

From: usovalx (A.S.Usov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-07-01 07:57:58


I just started using boost-build, so maybe my questions are a bit
lame -- sorry for that ;) I have a project which should produce few
binaries: pure c++ code, pure fortran and a c++ code & fortran

To link it cleanly here (FreeBSD with intel fortran & g++) I have
to use ifort as a linker for anything having fortran code in it
(othervise it becomes really messy, believe me).

At the moment I have ported fortran.jam && ifort.jam from CVS to
M10, and hacked ifort.jam to work with linux version of ifort. In
addition it inherits now gcc toolser and modifies linking commands
to use ifort as a linker. It's terribly dirty at the moment, and
works on the level of toolset-configuration.

Is it possible to do it in such a way, that one could select linking

method in Jamfile on a per-target basis -- something like this
("<for-main>no" means adding "-nofor_main" flag to linker):

exe cpp-bin : cpp-file /cpp-lib : <linker>gnu ;
exe cpp-for-bin: cpp-file /for-lib /stdc++ : <linker>ifort
<for-main>no ;
exe for-bin : for-file /for-lib : <linker>ifort <for-main>yes ;

I would really appreciate if you could keep my email in CC field --
I am not actively subscribed to this list.


Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at