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Boost-Build :

From: usovalx (A.S.Usov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-07-01 08:37:52

--- In jamboost_at_[hidden], "ANDREW MARLOW, BLOOMBERG/ LONDON
OF" <amarlow1_at_b...> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Usovalx <jamboost_at_[hidden]>
> > To link it cleanly here (FreeBSD with intel fortran & g++) I
> > to use ifort as a linker for anything having fortran code in it
> > (othervise it becomes really messy, believe me).
> >
> > AM> I believe you. But I promise you, it will be even more
> > messy of you have C++ in the mix and do not use the C++ linker.
> To deal with that is relatively simple -- you just add to the list
> of your libraries something like that:
> AM> you need to be sure that you can handle static constructors
> and throwing exceptions across language boundaries.

I am using it already this way for quite a time now.
Static constructors work fine. With exceptions it's a bit more
tricky -- I don't really need them to propagate across language
boundaries (my fortran code is just a huge calculation, and it
doesn't calls c++), so I don't really care about it.
However this is still an issue if you want it to work on both linux
& freebsd (you should build them differently -- on freebsd with
ifort, and with g++ on linux), but it's exactly the reason I came to
Boost.Jam in the first place ;)

So, is there some way to have 2 different linkers, and to switch
between them by adding the correct "<feature>" to the
requirements-list? This will really solve most of mine problems.


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