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Boost-Build :

From: Rene Rivera (grafik.list_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-09-27 09:54:10

Vladimir Prus wrote:
> Symbolic project id:
> A project can define symbolic project ID using the "use-project" rule.
("with" is less awckward)

> use-project boost-release : path/to/some/boost/tree ;
> After this declaration, project id "boost-release" becomes valid
> in the project where "use-project" is invoked, and is equivalent to
> using "path/to/some/boost/tree".
("using" is redundant here, and slightly confusing since there are
various "use"-like rules.)

> Project ID aliases:
> if the second argument to use-project begins with '@', the rest of
> that argument is expected to be a project id, rather than a path.
> use-project boost-release : @boost-1.33.0
> creates a project ID constant "boost-release" for a project with
> project ID "boost-1.33.0"

Is this the only place/situation that the "@" shows up? If so, and I
know Dave gets a warm fuzzy feeling from "@", why not use a more
descriptive syntax. For example:

use-project boost-release : project=boost-1.33.0 ;

Or if the "=" is a problem, as in it can easily be in a path name, using
two arguments also works:

use-project boost-release : project boost-1.33.0 ;

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