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From: Alexey Pakhunov (alexeypa_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-10-04 12:38:42

Reece Dunn wrote:

> * the $(root) variable needs to be defined (in configure-really);

Yeah. But as far as I saw you managed to make it work. :-)

> * $(root) refers to path/vc[7|98]/bin/cl.exe for normal compilers, so
> the paths should be ../include, etc. instead of vc/include;

I believe we can safely change the paths so that $(root) will point to

> set PATH=retval;%PATH%
> set PATH=retval;%PATH%
> set PATH=retval;%PATH%
> set PATH=retval;%PATH%

There should be only one "set PATH". I try to see what is wrong.

> I am not talking about having VC7+PlatformSDK but
> "c:/program files/Microsoft Platform SDK/bin/x86_ia64/cl.exe"
> which is VC7.1 for IA64. See my reply to VC8 cross-compile for more details.

I understood. I'm talking about the same. In the standard setup VC 7.1
all required settings are set by vcvars32.bat. The VC + PSDK setup is
different from the standard one only in INCLUDE, LIB and PATH settings
that are set by setenv.cmd.

I think we will do it in the same way - when a user selects PSDK-based
built INCLUDE, LIB and PATH settings will be updated accordingly. So
when the actions block:

actions ...
cl.exe ...

will invoke the right compiler executable from PSDK.

> The one for x86_arm is:


> but there are other things like defines (e.g. IA64/AMD64 add
> <define>WIN64) and the linker machine setting, e.g.:
> link.exe /machine:sh ...

Noted as well.

Best regards/Venlig hilsen,
Alexey Pakhunov.


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