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Boost-Build :

From: Rene Rivera (grafik.list_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-12-02 20:17:33

Alex Odinaev wrote:

> To prove it I need a performance report after bjam done.
> At least it would be nice to know how long it takes on project level.
> Is it possible to timestamp every target output? I would write perl
> script to create performance report then.

Currently there are two forms of timing and debug info collected:

1. For each target built its action is timed. You can immediately see this by
adding "-d+4" option. In addition to time info it will output additional
command execution info which you'll probably need to filter out. This info is
also available inside the Jamfiles as an optional __TIMING_RULE__ which is
called on each target. BBv2 has some utility for printing these out in the
testing.jam, but I'm not sure how to use it :-) Volodya might want to clarify

2. There's a comprehensive memory and time debug info mode which keeps track
of all the rules called. Turn this on with the "-d+10" option. This doesn't
time the actions themselves though.

And of course you can time overall execution externally. I.e. "time bjam ...".

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-- Redshift Software, Inc. -
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