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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-12-15 11:09:06

Douglas Gregor <doug.gregor_at_[hidden]> writes:

> On Dec 12, 2005, at 12:01 PM, Rene Rivera wrote:
>>> Does anyone know how I can achieve this functionality in BBv1's
>>> testing
>>> environment?
>> The easiest way is close to (2). If you create a "lib" with most of
>> the
>> sources of the test and link that into each "exe" you'll save the
>> compilation time at least.
> Okay. I have some vague recollection that some platforms don't link
> executables properly when main() is stored in a library, but it's too
> vague a recollection to worry about. But, I'll try it out. Worst
> case, I pull main out into stub .cpp file.
>> Other than that it would require some internal hacking/kludging to/
>> with
>> testing.jam. I'd need to know what the MPI_RUN code is doing to really
>> answer entertain this route.
> Definitely not worth it, then. However, I'll describe what's
> happening in case we want to think about it for BBv2.
> I'm building programs using MPI (the Message Passing Interface).
> These programs cannot typically be run standalone. For instance, if I
> build all_gather_test.exe, I can't just run it by itself. Instead, I
> need to run it through an auxiliary program called "mpirun", like this:
> mpirun -np 7 all_gather_test.exe

This looks very familiar. The Python tests are being run through an
auxilliary program, called, strangely enough, "Python." ;-)

> The "-np 7" tells mpirun to launch 7 separate processes, each of
> which will run a unique copy of all_gather_test.exe. Then the MPI
> library that all_gather_test.exe will allow them to communicate.
> For proper testing of all_gather_test.exe, we can't just fix the
> number of processors and run it once. We really need to run on
> several different configurations (one node, powers-of-two, powers-of-
> three, prime numbers, and one less than powers-of-two are typical).
> So, for instance, we'd like to run all of these as separate tests:
> mpirun -np 1 all_gather_test.exe
> mpirun -np 2 all_gather_test.exe
> mpirun -np 7 all_gather_test.exe
> mpirun -np 8 all_gather_test.exe
> mpirun -np 9 all_gather_test.exe
> mpirun -np 17 all_gather_test.exe
> Thanks for your help!

You might take a look at the way Python testing is broken down. You
can build separate Python extensions and then test them any number of
different ways using separate test targets.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at