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Boost-Build :

From: MANSION, James, FM (James.MANSION_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-03-03 10:12:31

Sorry, for 'dm for a' I meant 'dm for a' i.e. the 'forums' bit at Digital

I had a very cursory look and I suspect its actually only a few issues, but
someone who has a handle on the boost stuff (which I've not used, being
solely interested in the builder) will probably find it straightforward to
cut the necessary bit out to indicate the bug, and Walter can be responsive
- he's certainly done fixes specific for boost previously.

Its worth having this one on board, because its so fast - made Borland look
slow last time I used it.

Even if it doesn't compile boost, having boost build work (continue to) with
it would be useful.

> In practice, very few people/projects bother/need this.

Hmm - well, the experience of OpenOffice in general, and my own experiences
with ACE/TAO based systems, suggests that its actually a fairly big deal on
UNIX at the moment, but ymmv.


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