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Boost-Build :

From: Eoin (eoin-keyword-boost.jam.dca6c0_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-04-29 11:50:03


I've been coding in a Boost Build v2 console environment for a while now
as I'm trying to write a portable library which depends on a number of
other libraries. I've found Boost Build v2 very well equipped at managing
such a project. I just have to write Jamfiles myself for the libraries
that don't supply them (almost all). The structure I've been using is to
have a root folder containing two folders, one for my projects, and one
for third party libs. This folder contains a Jamroot file full of all the
path-constants, e.g.

path-constant /boost : Libraries/Boost/boost_1_33_1 ;

This means for one of my projects relying on Boost I can use a line like
the following;

use-project /boost : $(/boost) ;

This all works very satisfactorily for me, but I'd love to hear of others
peoples setup, after all when (if?) I finish my library I'll want to make
it as easy as possible for others to use.

P.S. sorry if this isn't the place for such a discussion.

Regards, Eoin

Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at