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Boost-Build :

From: Roland Schwarz (roland.schwarz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-06-18 08:37:14

Sean Huang wrote:
> For msvc, if you are running 32-bit windows, I believe you can simply
> uncomment the using msvc line. The toolset names are also changed and have
> versions in it. For example, for 8.0, do bjam --v2 msvc-8.0

Thank you. This took me one step further.

Does this mean I have to configure all compilers that I have installed
on my system? And then later on the commandline choose which one to use
in a specific build?


using msvc : 6.0 : C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual
Studio/VC98/Bin/cl.exe ;

using msvc : 7.1 : C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio
.NET2003/Vc7/bin/cl.exe ;

And on the command line:

bjam --v2 toolset=msvc version=6.0

However this simply does not work :-(

It is always taking 6.0, but is not able to do a compile anyways,
complaining that cl is not a program.
Any hints?

Regards, Roland

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