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Boost-Build :

From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-08-16 06:07:58

Stefan Slapeta wrote:
>> Hmm, I tried now and for me it works with HEAD, too. The only
>> difference
>> I see is the intel version number (9.1 vs. 9). Do you use a bjam.exe
>> from current sources? (I always do and didn't try any older now.)
>> Anyway, I attach my user-config.jam, maybe it helps!

I've done some more digging, and I'm afraid this toolset really does appear
to be broken:

1) If you use the <compatibility> option on one Intel toolset you have to
use it on all of them (I have more than one).
2) The compatibility option gets ignored anyway: -Qvc8 is *still* passed to
the compiler even when <compatibility>vc7.1 is specified.
3) When no <compatibility> option is specified then the -Qvc8 option is
still used: it shouldn't be, we should respect the users default setup in
this case.
4) I know I'm not a bjam expert, but I'm reasonably sure I'm not a total
idiot (not quite yet anyway!), so if I can't get this to work, what chance a
newbie who's never seen bjam before?

Still frustrated, yours, John.

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