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Boost-Build :

From: Rush Manbert (rush_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-08-25 17:09:51

Phillip Seaver wrote:
> Rush Manbert wrote:
>>John Maddock wrote:
>>>Rush Manbert wrote:
>>>>If I build Boost from source and determine that BOOST_HAS_THREADS is
>>>>defined for every file that is compiled, is the resulting library the
>>>>multi-threaded version, or is there some other setting that matters?
>>>Yes the flags that make your compiler generate thread safe code :-)
>>>BOOST_HAS_THREADS should be turned on automatically by Boost.Config if your
>>>compiler is in multi-thread mode. You shouldn't need to set it yourself: if
>>>you do it indicates there may be a compiler option missing.
>>>HTH, John.
>>Thanks John, it certainly does help. I'm building the Boost libs for
>>MacOSX. I get release and debug variants, but none of the libraries
>>contain the "-mt" in their names. I did convince myself that
>>BOOST_HAS_THREADS was defined for every file that was compiled, so now
>>I'm satisfied that I really do have multi-thread libraries. There does
>>seem to be some bug in the build, though, because the library file names
>>indicate that they are single-threaded.
> How are you building? When I build multi-threaded, I get boost libs
> with "-mt" in their names. I use "<threading>multi" in the jamfile to
> do that. If you want to do it from the command-line, you would need to
> do "bjam threading=multi".
I have tried:
bjam -sTools=darwin

(because the default is supposed to build single AND multi)


bjam -sTools=darwin "-sBUILD=<threading>multi"

(based on a post I saw from David Abrahams)

In both cases I get debug and release, static and dynamic versions of
each library (4 total of each), but they are all named as if they are
single-threaded. I'll try "bjam threading=multi" on the command line.

- Rush

Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at