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Boost-Build :

From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-10-18 05:16:08

Vladimir Prus wrote:
> I realize that code is a bit of advanced Boost.Build, so feel free to
> ask if
> you're stuck. Since we're in the same timezone, you can also reach me
> via
> Jabber (vladimir_prus_at_[hidden]), or via ICQ (100422315), or via Skype
> (vladimir_prus).

Thanks, but a quick cut and paste and it worked first time :-)

I've got msvc-7.1 and Intel-8.1 passing all the auto-link tests now, but
there are still a couple of issues:

With msvc-8.0 and Intel-9.1 (on msvc-8) there are some targets that aren't
supported by the compiler (single threaded, static runtime), I guess this
relates to your "impossible targets" thread? Any other way of disabling
targets for specific compilers, or maybe even only enabling them for
specific compilers?

With Borland, the library files are getting the toolset version number:
link_test-bcb58-mt-1_35.lib but the auto-linking code expects an unversioned
name for that toolset: LINK_TEST-BCB-MT-1_35.LIB.

There's actually good reason to have a separate name for Borland-5.8, so
maybe I should just go and change the auto-link code?

Thanks, John.

Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at