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Boost-Build :

From: Hugo Duncan (hugoduncan_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-11-25 15:25:54


> When reporting bug or problem, please always include a simple project
> that can
> be used to reproduce the problem. It's much easier to just unpack
> something,
> than reconstruct the project by copy-paste, especially if there's
> something
> left out.

My apologies!

> Also, when facing any generators problems, the --debug-generators
> options can
> be of big help.

Looks like I included enough of the --debug-generators output for you to
solve the problem !

> My suggestion would be to create a generator class, and in its 'run'
> method
> check that the passed 'name' is not empty. If not, it means it's invoked
> at
> the top of target building process and should call the base run to
> produce
> something. If 'name' is empty, it means it's invoked in the middle of
> chain,
> and should return nothing.

Works a treat. Many thanks. Still haven't got my actions quite right,
but that is another story.


Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at