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From: shobha hubballi (shobha_hubballi_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-19 00:14:43

shobha hubballi <shobha_hubballi_at_[hidden]> wrote: Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 05:07:15 +0100 (BST)
From: shobha hubballi <shobha_hubballi_at_[hidden]>
Subject: renaming problem for boost_1_33_1 libraries
To: boost-build_at_[hidden]


     We have built 32bit and 64bit boost_1_33_1 librararies sucessfully on solaris with CC-5.8 compiler.We want to distingusih separetely library names for built 32bit & 64bit libraries as both 32bit&64bit libraries have same name and also we want to keep both libraries in the same directory .
  Can we rename built library
                                                   as // 32bit
                                                   and // 64bit ????
 If we rename these libraries IS THERE ANY PROBLEM?
 If there is any problem after renaming can you suggest any other
method to build the libraries with the different library name as name mentioned above.

> Thanks
> Shobha
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