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Boost-Build :

From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-07-20 01:28:15

I created my system by updating from RC 3.

In the following directory
there is a sub directory named test
which contains
a bunch of *.cpp files
a Jamfile.vt


The test.bat file contains:

set TEST_LOCATE_ROOT=d:\temp

echo Begin test processing...
bjam --dump-tests "-sALL_LOCATE_TARGET=%TEST_LOCATE_ROOT%" %* >bjam.log 2>&1
echo Begin log processing...
process_jam_log %TEST_LOCATE_ROOT% <bjam.log
start bjam.log
echo Begin compiler status processing...
compiler_status --locate-root %TEST_LOCATE_ROOT% %BOOST_ROOT%
test_status.html t
start test_status.html

which certainly looks like its meant to test the bjam, process_jam_log,
compiler_status combnation.

So I ran this batch file to test the system.

a) The Jamfile.v2 refers to some files link...cpp which don't exist. I
checked the CVS and don't find them there either.

b) Tte batch file doesn't have any --v2 switches

According to the the CVS it seems that the files in thi "area" have been
updated in the past few months.

Hmmmmmmmmm - I double checked and it seems that I as looking at the HEAD.
Jamfiles (v1 and v2) have been removed from this test directory. The
test.bat file still refers to them. I tried to verify this on the CVS
browser, but trying to display the test.bat that is there leads to a 404

I'll look some more. I updated tools/regression to the head which was
probably a mistake and not what I wanted to do. We'll see what happens.

Thanks for your response.

Robert Ramey

Vladimir Prus wrote:
> Robert Ramey wrote:
>> I ran the test in <boost_root>/tools/regression/test and it failed to
>> complete with a number of errors:
>> $ ./test.bat
> Unfortunately, I don't know what this script is. What is it intended
> for,
> and when it last worked?
>> C:\Boost134\tools\regression\test>set TEST_LOCATE_ROOT=d:\temp
>> C:\Boost134\tools\regression\test>echo Begin test processing...
>> Begin test processing...
>> C:\Boost134\tools\regression\test>bjam --dump-tests
>> "-sALL_LOCATE_TARGET=d:\temp
>> " 1>bjam.log 2>&1
> And apparently it is used Boost.Build V1 syntax.
> - Volodya
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