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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] Linker error when build filesystem library for Arm9 on x86 Suse 10 platform
From: Vladimir Prus (vladimir_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-11-17 12:55:14

Chuck_d wrote:

> I desperatly need help resolving this issue, as I am fighting against a
> deadline.
> I would really appreciate if someone can help resolve this issue.

Note that:
- it's general not good idea to add extra priority to your issue like this.
- there's no apparent bug in Boost.Build, so this mail better belongs
to boost-users_at_[hidden]

> I am using Suse 10 linux running on x86 and trying to cross-compile
> filesystem library for Arm9 processor. I am using windriver PCD1.4
> toolchain. Here's the command and output.
> wrlinux_at_mp201_linux_box_1:~/boost_1_35_0> ./tools/jam/src/bin.linuxx86/bjam
> '-sBUILD=release static multi'
> '-sGCC_ROOT_DIRECTORY=/home/wrlinux/gnu/3.4.4-wrlinux-1.4/x86-linux2/bin/'
> '-sGCC=arm-wrs-linux-gnueabi-arm_novfp-glibc_small-gcc'
> '-sGXX=arm-wrs-linux-gnueabi-arm_novfp-glibc_small-g++ -D_REENTRANT'

I'm surprised that this works -- neither of those -s option has any effect
for Boost.Build

> --with-filesystem
> ...patience...
> ...found 410 targets...
> ...updating 1 target...
> bin.v2/libs/filesystem/build/gcc-3.4.4/release/threading-multi/path.o
> const::s]+0x0): multiple definition of
> `boost::system::error_category::message(int) const::s'

Here's the code:

   inline std::string error_category::message( int ) const
      static std::string s("error: should never be called");
      return s;

The error suggest a bug in compiler. Making it non-inline and moving into
some .cpp file might help. If not, ask your compiler vendor.

- Volodya

Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at