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Subject: [Boost-build] Relative paths in user-config.jam
From: Michael Marcin (mike.marcin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-01-09 04:24:06

I have a subversion repository with my project code and qbk files and
the binaries for quickbook and all its dependencies along with bjam and
boost build v2 and boost book. I want to check in user-config.jam so
that anyone can check out the project to any directory and build the
docs by running a simple batch file.

I made the batch file set HOME to ../../../ (which is where
user-config.jam happens to live relative to the batch file) and bjam
picks up the user-config which is a good start.

However it seems to invoke exactly the command I specify in the
user-config.jam to run quickbook. I tried changing to relative path by
prepending the current directory as described in the bbv2 documentation
but it seems to be giving me the current directory of the jamfile or my
working directory I cant tell which but it is not the directory of the

My user-config.jam currently has this at the bottom and it was
originally the same thing with $(TOP)/ removed.

# -----------------
# Documentation configuration.
# -----------------

path-constant TOP : . ;

using xsltproc
     : $(TOP)/tools/xml/bin/xsltproc.exe

using boostbook
     : $(TOP)/tools/xml/docbook-xsl
     : $(TOP)/tools/xml/docbook-xml

using doxygen
     : $(TOP)/tools/doxygen.exe
using quickbook
     : $(TOP)/tools/quickbook.exe

Is there a way to make this work?

Michael Marcin

Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at