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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] Need help in a jamfile
From: Steven Watanabe (watanabesj_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-01-15 13:20:49


Sherwood Hu wrote:
> I am writing jamfile for a Windows COM server project. I followed the
> directions in the URL
> and the code looks like this:
> mstypelib MyCOMServerProject-tlb
> lib MyCOMServerProject :
> <implicit-dependency>MyCOMServerProject-tlb
> <snip>
> After a couple of failures, the code finally worked. However, I have
> to call bjam twice to get it work. The first build ended up with an error:
> MyCOMServerProject.rc(106) : error RC2135 : file not found:
> MyCOMServerProject-tlb.tlb
> The problem is that .rc is built before .tlb, so the rc compiler
> complained that it could not locate .tlb file.
> If I run the same command the second time, the problem did not exist
> because the .tlb file was generated.
> Is there any workaround to this – to force that mstypbelib is called
> before .res file is built?

On the surface, this may be a bug in the scanner.
How does MyCOMServerProject include MyCOMServerProject-tlb.tlb?
Can you apply the attached patch to rc.jam and tell me whether/what it
says about MyCOMServerProject-tlb.tlb?

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

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