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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] custom generator problems
From: Michael Caisse (boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-03-08 00:55:03

Michael Caisse wrote:
> I am trying to create a custom generator for a code generator.
> The code generator takes a single description file in and
> produces several CPP and HPP files.
> The produced filenames are not known before hand; however, I have them
> generated into a known directory. I was hoping to path.glob the code
> generated files but I am starting to think
> that this isn't going to work.
> Before I devote much more time to this approach is this even possible?
> Can I create rules that determine targets only after some
> action is performed (the code generator runs and the directory is
> glob'd)?
> Thank you for your consideration.
> michael
I know it is rude to reply to your own posts, but ....

After searching the archives, I think Alexander Sack has
been asking questions about a similar task. While I am looking
forward to Alexander's session at BoostCon, I sure would
like to solve this before May.

Ultimately I need to chain generators to convert multiple

   zargo -> xmi -> room -> cpp/h

Using standard generators I can do this; however, the last
step produces several cpp/h files. I wanted to make a custom
generator that would glob the files that were generated but
I get the impression that Alexander has discovered a method
for his use that is different. However, I cannot seem to find
a post with the solution. Alexander? Are you sharing?

Currently confused and optimistic -

Michael Caisse
Object Modeling Designs

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