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Subject: [Boost-build] BGL Building the GraphViz Readers
From: Alex Kasilov (kasilovo_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-04-14 13:19:13

Hi everybody!
I have a question about building GraphViz Readers using msvc
I simply uncommented line "using msvc ;" in user-config.jam and
executed bjam.exe in
/libs/graph/build. It created
\bin.v2\libs\graph\build\msvc-9.0\debug\threading-multi where all the
files are located.
The problem is that I suppose it was compiled without optimization.
So, the question: how can I build it fully optimized?
I tried to use compile flags "using msvc : 9.0 : : <compileflags>/O2
;" but there is no feedback during the compilation so, I am not sure
it worked.

Moreover, is it possible instead of this long name
boost_graph-vc90-mt-gd-1_37.lib to have just boost_graph.lib

Thank you in advance for your answers

best regards,

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