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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] [python] Python build description
From: Gevorg Voskanyan (v_gevorg_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-07-14 05:22:27

Johan Nilsson wrote:
> Vladimir Prus wrote:
> > - It's awkward to have build description split over two files in
> > different language
> I'd argue that extensions aren't really part of the "build description" - they
>are a part of the
> build system implementation (extensions or built-ins).

+1 on this point. Extensions and target declarations being split over two files
with different languages doesn't look awkward to me at all. They address
different things and are on different abstraction levels, so I think separating
them is actually better.
In addition, many extensions written would be usable and reusable outside of the
immediate project at hand, so could later be moved out of that project into a
common place, which would be much easier done if extensions are placed in a
separate file to begin with.
For example, I have a dedicated directory added to BOOST_BUILD_PATH where I
place or later move my extensions into. With that in mind, I already always try
to place extensions in a separate file anyway.

> >
> > So, it seems reasonable to permit build description entirely in
> > Python.

Now that is awkward! If you ask me, that is :)

> > Like, if you have 'Jamfile', it's in Jam language, and if you
> > have '', it's Python.
> Perhaps the more terse "" (but I realize the above is only an example)?

I'd rather prefer those .py files named after the specific extensions they
implement, and import them from Jamfiles as necessary.


> If it's not possible to get a nicer DSL I think I would actually prefer the
> as long as extensions can be written in Python.

Yes please!

Best Regards,

Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at