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Subject: [Boost-build] Build problems with doxygen and doc
From: Edward Diener (eldiener_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-10-05 09:03:47

I have asked this in the boost doc NG but no one knows why so I am
asking this here.

I am building documentation using doxygen and quickbook. There is no
problem doing that except that my reference section, based on doxygen
output, looks wrong in the TOC. What I am seeing is:

         Header <boost/variadic_macro_data/VariadicMacroData.hpp>

instead of:

     Variadic Macro Data Reference

I have looked at another jamfile, doxygen, and quickbook setup ( Units,
Units Reference ) to try to discover why my output is different. What I
see is that the generated doxygen xml files are different, but I do not
know why, nor do I know if or why the differences are generating my bad
TOC reference above. Here are the differences:

1) My doxygen xml is laid out on a single line rather than being
formatted easily so it can be read as is the units xml file. I am
doubtful that this is causing any difference but I would like to see my
xml output formatted nicely to read also.

2) My doxygen xml has an opening <library-reference> while the unit has
an opening <library-reference id="units_reference">.

3) My doxygen xml has not <title> after the <library-reference> element
but the units one does.

Are these causing the differences in the TOC ?
If so, how can I correct my doxygen xml output ?
If not, how can I correct my output so that the TOC is correct ?

Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at