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Subject: [Boost-build] unit test questions
From: Chris Nogradi (cnogradi_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-02-10 08:24:07

Hello boost-build users, I am resending this without company banner at bottom: I am trying to piecemeal together a solution for setting the location of a unit test’s output XML file (which is different from stdout) using the run rule’s args argument. However, I am unable to find an appropriate variable to use for my $(test_base_name) variable below as none of the arguments passed in seem to have the necessary information. Any suggestions? I see an example of this with the unit-test rule in the archives, should I use that instead? rule run ( sources + : args * : input-files * : requirements * : target-name ? : default-build * ) { $(sources) __extra_libs__ : "-o $(test_base_name)_results.xml" $(args) : $(input-files) : $(requirements) : $(target-name) : $(default-build) ; } Also, I would like to set <testing.launcher> for a new toolchain that we have developed so that it only applies when that tool is used. So far I have the solution below but this requires it to be specified in all Jamroots. Is there a way to put it in the tool.jam file and not have it affect other tools used such as msvc? project proj : requirements <toolset>myTool:<testing.launcher>"myLauncher –c –o " ; Thanks in advance for any help, Chris

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