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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] [icu] ICU Search Scripts
From: Artyom Beilis (artyomtnk_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-07-18 07:57:05

> From: Artyom Beilis <artyomtnk_at_[hidden]>
> [snip]
> 3. Currently both Boost.Locale's script and Boost.Regex's script try to
> be greedy and guess where icu goes and then to check if has_icu
> builds.
> The correct approach should be - try to build it for each possible
> search option: lib/lib32/lib64 and if it fails to link then give
> up.

I've updated libs/locale/build/Jamfile.v2 with additional full test
for the case when the libraries are placed in lib64, I will not do
it for lib32 for now as I don't think there are some useful
cases for this.

So basically it has tests: has_icu an has_icu64 where
each one of them searches ICU

> Maybe it is possible to create a single ICU search module in trunk
> that does "the right thing".

One of the things I've seen that Regex's ICU search script use
delayed load... I don't think that Boost.Locale would need
such things.


@John Maddock

Please, take a look on this changeset:

It may be useful for Boost.Regex as well.

Artyom Beilis
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