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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] Building upcoming gil io extension
From: Jurko Gospodnetić (jurko.gospodnetic_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-06-03 16:42:46


> Now when I follow those steps I get the following error:
> c:\boost\libs\gil\io_new\test>bjam -j4 --toolset=msvc threading=multi
> jpeg.jam: No such file or directory
> How do I figure out where jpeg.jam is searched for. On my machine it's
> located here:
> C:\boost_build_extensions\ext
> I'm using boost trunk.

   Have you tried adding 'C:\boost_build_extensions\ext' to your
BOOST_BUILD_PATH environment variable?

   In your 'steps' documentation you set it to 'C:\boost_build\ext' but
nowhere do you mention your currently used folder.

   I have not tested it myself and this is just my 'best guess' after
reading the post. Hope it helps.

   Best regards,
     Jurko Gospodnetić

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