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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] Auto-generating jam files
From: Jurko Gospodnetić (jurko.gospodnetic_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-08-17 03:41:29


> Thanks for the response. I was just looking for a temporary solution
> to our current file organization dilemma: we have a source and a
> verification tree and the source tree does not currently have a root
> (jamroot) so I need to artificially create one based on the jamroot
> settings in the verification tree. I also tried to just load a
> jamroot file in the verification dir as if it were above the source
> but the current bb2 code does not allow this. We plan to move the
> source into the verification tree at some point but for now I suppose
> I could just use a wrapper as you suggest (on our CI server) but I
> was hoping to find an integrated solution for developers since they
> don't currently use a wrapper.

   Hmm... you can add a regular Jamroot module in your source tree and
import/include your verification tree Jamroot from there. Or whatever
other variation suits you, e.g. extract shared code to a separate module
and import that from both Jamroot modules.

   That would remove the duplication without the need to 'regenerate the
Jamroot file while running the build'.

   You can use environment variables to configure the project tree
locations without coupling them together too much.

   Would that help?

   Best regards,
     Jurko Gospodnetić

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