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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] gcc version specific command
From: Moritz Hassert (mhassert_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-02-08 06:57:04

Hi Gennadiy,

the construct
allows only for a fixed feature value for a condition.

You have to use a <conditional> feature and a rule to achieve this. Now
you can set compiler flags (and all kinds of other feature values)
depending on values of other features. Here is a stripped-down code
snippet of mine (untested!) you could adapt to your needs:

rule get-gcc-flags ( properties * )
    local gcc-flags ;
    local toolset = [ feature.get-values <toolset> : $(properties) ] ;
    if ( $(toolset) = gcc )
        local version = [ feature.get-values
<toolset-$(toolset):version> : $(properties) ] ;

        local variant = [ feature.get-values <variant> :
$(properties) ] ;

        local target-os = [ feature.get-values <target-os> :
$(properties) ] ;

        # flags for all gcc toolsets
        gcc-flags += <cflags>"-Werror" ;
        # only for debug
        if ( $(variant) = debug )
            gcc-flags += <define>_GLIBCXX_DEBUG ;
        # only for windows
        if ( $(target-os) = windows )
            gcc-flags += <cflags>"-Wno-pedantic-ms-format" ;
        # only for gcc >= 4.5
        if ( $(version) >= 4.5 )
            gcc-flags += <cxxflags>-std=gnu++0x ;
    return $(gcc-flags) ;

lib foo
    : foo.cpp
    : <conditional>@get-gcc-flags


Am Freitag, den 08.02.2013, 07:51 +0000 schrieb Gennadiy Rozental:
> Hi,
> I'd like to add
> <toolset>gcc:<cxxflags>-std=gnu++0x
> for all gcc versions >= 4.5.0
> How can I do this?
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