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Boost-Build :

Subject: Re: [Boost-build] Difference between libboost_thread and libboost_thread-mt
From: Suckow, Thomas J (Thomas.Suckow_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-09-09 11:59:32

On 9/9/14, 5:21 AM, "Ray Sheppard" <rsheppar_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>However, the library needed was libboost_thread, but on
>our machine, only libboost_thread-mt was available. So we created a
>symlink, libboost_thread, to libboost_thread-mt. Are there any issues we
>don't understand with doing this? Thanks.

The -mt suffix means that the library was compiled with ³multithreading
support². Some linux distributions only supply the multithreaded libraries
and choose to leave off the suffix. Boost_thread naturally only has a
multithreaded version.

The gotcha: I do not recommend mixing -mt and non -mt versions. Since you
are linking against boost_thread-mt, make sure all other boost libraries
are linked against the -mt version as well. It may be easiest to update
your build scripts to include the suffix rather than symlink.


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