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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] Dealing with action/rule sources
From: Vladimir Prus (vladimir.prus_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-09-29 15:20:54

On 29-Sep-15 6:45 PM, Roman Matsybora wrote:
> Yes if I write generator or use rule generate it cab be done.
> But what if I use rule make?

There are no very good was in that case. Possibly the best one would be

import modules ;

rule whatever ( targets * : sources * : property-set * )
        # Grab raw source we care about
        local raw-source = $(sources[1]) ;

        local source = [ modules.peek virtual-target : .actual.$(raw-source) ] ;

        local path = [ $(source).path ] ;

But it's basically looking at implementation details for some modules. (And I did not
test that code). generators and the 'generate' metatarget are really recommended way
if you do anything non-trivial. Make is for really simple things.

- Volodya

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