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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] b2 option parsing
From: Stefan Seefeld (stefan_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-10-30 21:34:09

On 30.10.2016 21:21, Steven Watanabe wrote:
>> And what should I do for 'bar' "to be
>> registered as a feature in order for it
>> to be interpreted as a property of <bar>baz" as you say above ?
> The function that handles this is build_request.from_command_line.
> This won't work at all without large parts
> of Boost.Build however.

I'm not using the above module at all. What do I need to do for jam not
to interpret (parts of) the command-line arguments (options, features,
targets, etc.) ? Can you resume conceptually how the above (i.e., the
existing Boost.Build logic) extracts features such as "toolchain=gcc"
from the command line such that jam.c doesn't wrongly interpret this as
the name of a target ?
>> Further, calling `../../src/engine/bin.linuxx86_64/b2` from an example
>> directory yields
>> ...found 3 targets...
>> is there a way to have 'b2' print out the names of those 3 targets, or
>> even introspect them using the "bjam" module (or some other API for that
>> matter) ?
> -d+12

Thanks. Is there a way to access that programmatically ?


      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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