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Boost-Build :

Subject: [Boost-build] Boost total binary size
From: Benjamin Müller (benjamin.mueller_at_[hidden])
Date: 2018-05-23 13:22:20


I want to build the boost libs using gcc on my usb flash drive (my os:
32bit Windows 10 Pro). Here is my build command:
b2 -j2 --build-dir=D:\boost_1_67_0\boost_1_67_0\Build toolset=gcc
variant=debug link=static --build-type=complete stage
The problem is, the flash drive only has 4 gb of memory, and I have
other files on it as well. The problem is, it seems like the libs are
huge, and so I get errors because I got no space left on the flash
drive, but I don't know what to delete further. Is there a rule of thumb
how big the binaries should be after my build command? Is it a bad idea
to compile from and to the flash drive?

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