Hi Vladimir,

For grins I took a stab at implementing a set of rules for target filename prefix provisioning that started out as almost carbon copies of the suffix provisioning rules in build/type.jam.  Then I factored out the common code in both sets of (prefix/suffix) rules to avoid copy/paste bloat. 

I changed build/virtual-target.jam to the following:

rule add-prefix-and-suffix ( specified-name : type ? : property-set )
    local suffix = [ type.generated-target-suffix $(type) : $(property-set) ] ;
    suffix = .$(suffix) ;
    local prefix = [ type.generated-target-prefix $(type) : $(property-set) ] ;
    if [ type.is-derived $(type) LIB ] && [ os.on-unix ]
        prefix = "lib" ;
    if [ MATCH ^($(prefix)) : $(specified-name) ]
        prefix = "" ;
    return $(prefix:E="")$(specified-name)$(suffix:E="") ;

I would like to submit what I've done for consideration.  I'm not up to speed with cvs or boost submission procedures (yet).  Can I just send the updated files for y'all to diff against the current code base and inspect?
