File this question in the just-curious folder:

In constructing a toolset with two variants, say d1 and d2, which both inherit from a base toolkit, say b, I was surprised that suffix bindings in toolset b, such as

type.set-generated-target-suffix EXE       : <toolset>b : "txe" ;
type.set-generated-target-suffix OBJ       : <toolset>b : o ;

are not propagated to the derived toolsets (d1 and d2) which say:

toolset.inherit d1 : b ;


toolset.inherit d2 : b ;

respectively.  I have to say in d1.jam :

type.set-generated-target-suffix EXE       : <toolset>d1 : "txe" ;
type.set-generated-target-suffix OBJ       : <toolset>d1 : o ;

to get the desired sufix bindings. 

Was it intentional not to pass along suffix bindings to derived toolsets?