On Feb 22, 2006, at 9:16 AM, David Zweigenhaft wrote:

We would like start using the Boost libraries in our project (especially the graph library).
We use the following configuratio:  Solaris (SunOS 5.9 sun4u sparc SUNW, Sun-Fire-V890), using Sun C++ 5.5.

I strongly recommend that you install and use GCC on your Solaris box. I had major problems with Sun's C++ compilers, even before I began to use Boost. Check out http://www.sunfreeware.com/ for a GCC install.



Brad Howes

Desk: 781.981.5292 • Fax: 781.981.3495 • Secretary: 781.981.7420

MIT Lincoln Laboratory • 244 Wood St. • Lexington, MA  02173