Is anyone else having trouble accessing the source archive at sourceforge? Otherwise, I'd submit this request as a diff.
I have a need for a change to generators.register-composing, namely, to allow for no arguments to source-types parameter. In other words, change:
rule register-composing ( id : source-types + : target-types + : requirements * )
rule register-composing ( id : source-types * : target-types + : requirements * )
The need for this came about in writing a rule set that stages ftp transfer of files that have changed since a target marker file was last written. This is a composing scenario where source files can be of any type or of no known type. Thus the need to say:
generators.register-composing mytoolset.ftp : : FTP ;
where FTP is the type I declared for the marker file. The requested signature exists already for rule
rule register-standard ( id : source-types * : target-types + : requirements * )
Is there a good reason not to do this for register-composing?