
I'm trying to use boost.build as a replacement to our proprietary build system. This is a large, commercial, project.

One of the requirements we have from a build system is the ability to build to many target platforms. Toolset support is one issue with this requirement, but another is the ability to select - at build time - the target platform.

Ideally, I'd like the usage to be something like:
$ bjam platform=Win32
$ bjam platform=Linux

And have a "platform" feature that will select correct files, #defines, toolset, etc - based on its value.
Note that selecting the toolset alone is not enough. There are a few different platforms that use the ARM Developer Suite, for example. They all use the same toolset (ADS 1.2), but have different SDK's, features, etc.

I tried adding a feature to user-config.jam:
import feature : feature ;
feature platform : : free ;

and conditionally specify other requirements based on that in the Jamfile:
lib PortingLayer : <platform>Win32:<include>Win32

etc... But it doesn't seem to work. It looks like the platform feature is being ignored.

What am I missing? Please help.

Note: this has nothing to do with my other question, about a new toolset (hcac). It's for a different project.
