Hello there.

I am very new to boost. I installed boost on my system but I am unable to build the sterilization library. But I am able to build and use quite a few other libraries for example the I\O formatting lib.

And when I try to build a sterilization program I get the message

fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_serialization-vc7-sgd-1_33_1.lib'
Also I am not able physically locate the required directory in the folder containgin all other libs.
I am using VC7 on windows xp professional
Can anybdy tell me what I am doing wrong?


I did the following steps while installing boost and got the following messages.

Step1. Extract Boost_1_33_1 to C:\ copy bjam in the directory and run

    C:\Boost_1_33_1> bjam "=sVC7_ROOT_DIRECTORY=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\VC7"

Output:  ........failed updating 74 targets.......
                .......skipped 48 targets.....


  C:\Boost_1_33_1>bjam"sTOOLS=VC7" install

               again I got an error saying


   .........failed updating xxx targets.......
   .........skipped xxx targets..........
   .........updated xxx targets........

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