On a Mac OS X 10.4.8 system, I installed Boost 1.33.1 and Python 2.4.4. I was able to generate a Python DLL, but Python could not import the DLL, claiming the DLL was an incorrect type. I then found out that Python 2.4 on the Macintosh requires its DLLs to be a bundle type, not a shared library type. I hacked darwin.jam and python.jam to utilize a new feature, <link-mode>, which then affects the link.dll action under darwin. Everything works just fine now.

Python 2.5 does not have this problem, but Boost.Python contained in the 1.33.1 release fails to compile with it.

Any interest in a patch for this? I noticed some mail questioning whether darwin.jam is still needed due to changes in gcc.jam, so perhaps all of this has already been resolved in source tree.


Brad Howes
Group 42
MIT Lincoln Laboratory • 244 Wood St. • Lexington, MA 02173
Phone: 781.981.5292 • Fax: 781.981.3495 • Secretary: 781.981.7420