
    First, I am very new in using boost.

    I try for several days to compile boost with stdcxx and finally succeed.

    I just want to notify something that looks like an error (in boost

    In file wide_posix_api.cpp you make a reference to std::swprintf which
is not part of std... quiet simple to correct.

    On the other hand, i success to compile with VC8, but I'm not very proud
of my solution.

    I add in vc7-tools.jam.

flags vc7 C++FLAGS <runtime-build>release/<runtime-link>dynamic/<threading>multi : /Zc:forScope /D_RWSHARED /D_RWSTD_USE_CONFIG ;
flags vc7 C++FLAGS <runtime-build>debug/<runtime-link>dynamic/<threading>multi : /Zc:forScope /D_RWSHARED /D_RWSTD_USE_CONFIG /D_RWSTDDEBUG ;
flags vc7 STDHDRS : D:\\NPTE\\dev\\src\\cpp\\externals\\win32\\include D:\\NPTE\\dev\\src\\cpp\\externals\\win32\\include\\ansi D:\\NPTE\\dev\\src\\cpp\\externals\\win32\\include\\12d ;

#flags vc7 STDLIBPATH <runtime-build>release/<runtime-link>dynamic/<threading>multi  : "D:\\NPTE\\dev\\src\\cpp\\externals\\win32\\src\\boost_1_32_0\\stdcxx\\" ;
#flags vc7 STDLIBPATH <runtime-build>debug/<runtime-link>dynamic/<threading>multi    : "D:\\NPTE\\dev\\src\\cpp\\externals\\win32\\src\\boost_1_32_0\\stdcxx\\" ;

flags vc7 FINDLIBS <runtime-build>release/<runtime-link>dynamic/<threading>multi    : stdlib12d.lib ;
flags vc7 FINDLIBS <runtime-build>debug/<runtime-link>dynamic/<threading>multi      : stdlib15d.lib ;

My problem, if i use STDLIBPATH  i get a link error
__DllMainCRTStartup@12, it looks like my lib path scratches VC libpath. I tried several var LIBPATHunsucessfully. The only way I found is to put my libpath in the VCVARS32.BAT :-(.

   Does somebody could say me which var I should use ?

        Thanks in advance,


Nadine Faizant
Z.A. - 5, Rue de l'Auberte
30 133 Les Angles

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