

Let's say, you have an executable (foo.exe) and DLL (bar.dll). In debug build, the DLL is renamed to "bar-d.dll" (See List-1). Now, the executable wants to LoadLibrary() the DLL. (See List-2). Is it possible to pass the actual DLL filename to foo.exe so that foo.exe can load the correct DLL for release / debug builds?




# List-1


import virtual-target : add-prefix-and-suffix ;


rule rename ( name : type ? : property-set ) {

    local postfix ;

    local properties = [ $(property-set).raw ] ;

    if <variant>debug in $(properties) { postfix += d ; }


    local result = $(name)-$(postfix:J=-) ;


    return [ add-prefix-and-suffix $(result) : $(type) : $(property-set) ] ; }


lib bar : bar.cpp

        : <tag>@rename




exe foo : foo.cpp

        : <define>FOO_FILENAME=????



install . : bar foo ;



# List-2



#define STRING(s) # s

#define XSTRING(s) STRING(s)


int main(){

  // ...


  // ...



Motonari Ito