I've been searching a lot before finally posting here, so I'm happy with any information that could point me in the right direction.
I'm trying to build boost 1.34 with msvc 8.1 sp1, winxp pro and stlport 5.3.
boost_34_0\tools\build\v2\user-config.jam was modified like this
#  Configure, specifying locatioh of both headers and libraries
  using stlport : : C:\download\STLport-5.1.3\stlport C:\download\STLport-5.1.3\lib ;
from command line I'm building like this:
bjam --build-dir=c:\boost-build --stagedir=c:\boost-build  --with-thread --toolset=msvc-8.0 stage
The generated lib files misses 'p' in their filename, suggesting that they infact do not build with stlport.
I tried adding stdlib=stlport to the bjam command line, which changes the name of the boostlib files to include 'p', but this only leads to link error when trying to build my applications.
I think this is a common scenario, using both stlport and boost, that a link from the documentation at an early point would be much appreciated.
Thanks for any help,