I’m using CENTOS and gcc 3.4.6.
My environment is:
export PATH=`pwd`/tools/jam/src/bin.linux:$PATH
export CFLAGS=-m32
export CXXFLAGS=-m32
export LDFLAGS=-m32
I then run ./configure
Then bjam cxxflags=-m32 linkflags=-m32 cflags=-m32
architecture=x86 address-model=32 -d2 debug
I have two issues, first is that some files generate errors
stating: "LONG_BIT definition appears wrong for platform (bad gcc/glibc
config?)." from /usr/include/python2.3/pyport.h. This error prevents
some of the libraries from building.
2nd, the libraries that do get generated don’t
make it to a central library directory, but instead all remain in a library
specific subfolder. For example, the date time library is generated in: libs/date_time/build/gcc-3.4.6/debug/address-model-32/architecture-x86/libboost_date_time-gcc34-d-1_34_1.so.1.34.1
First, I’d like to ask, is there a released build that
gives me the 32 bit libraries?
Second, assuming there isn’t, is this possible to
generate a 32 bit library on a 64 bit Linux system?
Third, if so, what am I doing wrong? Thank you for
your help.
Dan Pieczynski