We want to build a small program in Momentics IDE in QNX.
We have set default to Gcc3.3.5 by gcc -V3.3.5,gcc_ntox86 -set-default.
then configured the library by following :

1) ./configure --with-toolset=qcc
2) make install.

So thus around 30 targets are not built, around 80 targets skipped and more than 5000 are updated.
int main ()
return 0;

We built the same program in momentics after building the boost library with GCC 3.3.5. Instead of 100 errors now we are
getting only 20 errors.

We have attached the errors with this posting.

The momentics project settings are as given below

c++ extra include directories /usr/cln/include/boost-1_34_1
linker extra library path /usr/cln/lib
linker extra libraries libboost_filesystem-d.so


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