Ocaml has its own linker that knows how to link with ocaml libraries and C libraries. The hope was to recreate what an existing makefile was doing, only better.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but this was the path I was going down:

generators.register-c-compiler ocaml.compile : MLI : OCAML_INT : <toolset>ocaml ;
generators.register-c-compiler ocaml.compile.opt : ML OCAML_INT : OCAML_OBJ : <toolset>ocaml ;
generators.register-c-compiler ocaml.yacc : MLY : ML : <toolset>ocaml ;
generators.register-c-compiler ocaml.lex : MLL : ML MLI : <toolset>ocaml ;
generators.register-linker ocaml.link : OBJ SEARCHED_LIB STATIC_LIB IMPORT_LIB OCAML_OBJ OCAML_LIB : EXE : <toolset>ocaml ;

Vladimir Prus wrote:
On Thursday 03 April 2008 23:43:42 Eric Woodruff wrote:

I've started working on an ocaml toolset to be able to use the exe rule
do build ocaml applications. This is fairly straightforward, except
where there are also C source files and libraries defined by other
projects that should be built with gcc on Linux and msvc on Windows.

I am able to say something like:

exe mlapp : [ glob *.ml ] [ glob *.c ] /libs//someclib/<toolset>gcc :
<toolset>ocaml ;

The <toolset> feature is basically "C++ toolset". I don't know much about
ocaml -- why do you need a toolset for that? Would not, say, ml->obj generator
be sufficient?

- Volodya
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