That is not correct.
<link>static - specifies to link staticaly to boost_python libraries which works fine.
I want C/S++ runtime to be linked statically as well
The problem is that <runtime-link>static complains about "libboost_python-vc80-mt-s-1_34_1.lib "
<runtime-link>static is the same as specifying <cxxflags>/MT.
Something wrong with the above lib file. I have checked that it is present.

On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 6:20 PM, Vladimir Prus <> wrote:
On Thursday 10 April 2008 02:06:13 Scout wrote:
> I am trying to build hello extension using static libraries and static
> runtime. For some reason LINK can't open
> 'libboost_python-vc80-mt-s-1_34_1.lib' file
> Shared works fine, I have checked that lib file is present. Below is the
> output.
> # Declare a Python extension called hello.
> python-extension hello : hello.cpp : <link>static ;

Err, that above is trying to create a static python extension. There's no
way it can work -- Python extensions are dynamic libraries.

- Volodya
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