--- /usr/share/boost-build/tools/qt4.jam	2008-03-07 17:36:03.000000000 +0100
+++ qt4.jam	2008-04-24 19:27:04.000000000 +0200
@@ -75,16 +75,58 @@
 # Initialized the QT support module. The 'prefix' parameter
 # tells where QT is installed. 
-rule init ( prefix )
+rule init ( prefix : full_bin ? : full_inc ? : full_lib ? )
     project.push-current $(.project) ;
+    # pre-build paths to detect reinitializations changes
+    local inc_prefix lib_prefix bin_prefix ;
+    if $(full_inc)
+    {
+        inc_prefix = $(full_inc) ; 
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        inc_prefix = $(prefix)/include ;
+    }
+    if $(full_lib)
+    {
+        lib_prefix = $(full_lib) ;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        lib_prefix = $(prefix)/lib ;
+    }
+    if $(full_bin)
+    {
+        bin_prefix = $(full_bin) ;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        bin_prefix = $(prefix)/bin ;
+    }
     if $(.initialized)
         if $(prefix) != $(.prefix)
-              "Attempt the reinitialize QT with different installation prefix" ;
+                "Attempt the reinitialize QT with different installation prefix" ;
+        }
+        if $(inc_prefix) != $(.incprefix)
+        {
+            errors.error
+                "Attempt the reinitialize QT with different include path" ;
+        }
+        if $(lib_prefix) != $(.libprefix)
+        {
+            errors.error
+                "Attempt the reinitialize QT with different library path" ;
+        }
+        if $(bin_prefix) != $(.binprefix)
+        {
+            errors.error
+                "Attempt the reinitialize QT with different bin path" ;
@@ -93,10 +135,9 @@
         .prefix = $(prefix) ;
         #~ Setup prefixes for include, binaries and libs.
-        #~ TODO: Implement overrides in "init" parameter list.
-        .incprefix = $(.prefix)/include ;
-        .libprefix = $(.prefix)/lib ;
-        .binprefix = $(.prefix)/bin ;
+        .incprefix = $(inc_prefix) ;
+        .libprefix = $(lib_prefix) ;
+        .binprefix = $(bin_prefix) ;
         # Generates cpp files from header files using "moc" tool
         generators.register-standard qt4.moc : H : CPP(moc_%) : <allow>qt4 ;