Hi Jurko, finally my mail is out of the black list. I feel better.
I musst humbly correct about my verry naive translation of C4251 and C4275 (msvc 8.0).
It's completly wrong. After I realized that, I have done further experiments, and I humbly apologize with the author of programoptions example. Actually his examples work.
Once again I have done the following
1. moved  (BOOST_ROOT)\libs\program_options\example elsewhere and renamed it poexample.
2. Renamed Jamfile.v2 to Jamroot
3. changed the content of Jamroot to
#-- content of Jamroot --
#    : requirements <library>../build//boost_program_options
#      <hardcode-dll-paths>true
#    ;
path-constant BOOST_INSTALLED_LIB : C:/Boost/lib ;
path-constant BOOST_INSTALLED_INC : C:/Boost/include/boost-1_35 ;
path-constant BOOST_ROOT : C:/guido/env/boost/boost_1_35_0 ;
use-project /boost : $(BOOST_ROOT) ;
 : requirements <include>$(BOOST_INSTALLED_INC)
exe first : first.cpp ;
exe options_description : options_description.cpp ;
exe multiple_sources : multiple_sources.cpp ;
exe custom_syntax : custom_syntax.cpp ;
exe real : real.cpp ;
exe regex : regex.cpp /boost/regex//boost_regex ;
#-- end of Jamroot contet--
4. comipled with different bjam lines e.g.

bjam first define=BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK -a

bjam regex define=BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK -a

they all work and I am using shared linking. I am especially impressed by the regex.
Well why isn't this way of using boost and bjam reccommended explicitly.
I am very happy with that. The result of all this and similar variations is in the attchment.
Of course it is necessary to adjust
path-constant BOOST_INSTALLED_LIB : C:/Boost/lib ;
path-constant BOOST_INSTALLED_INC : C:/Boost/include/boost-1_35 ;
path-constant BOOST_ROOT : C:/guido/env/boost/boost_1_35_0 ;
according to your boost_root, boost_install places.
I would like someone with more understanding in boost-build system
to comment about "my troubles" and Jurko and my troubles solving.
Well I don't like shooting, even when target is troubles.
The problem with trouble shooting is that trouble shoots you back.
P.S.I had to remove the bin folder with exe because of gmail.

On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Jurko Gospodnetiæ <jurko.gospodnetic@docte.hr> wrote:
 Hi Guido.

My building platform : using msvc : 8.0 ;
 I have attached som attempt in compiling some boost examples. Notice I have set C:\Boost\lib in my LIB environment variable (set LIB=%LIB%;c:\Boost\lib )
 Onestly I am a bit pessimistic. Still I hope I am missing something obvious.

 I have just tried this and it seems the build for those examples is buggy. Fails on both MSVC 7.1 and 9.0.

 It seems that for some reason the main Boost Jamroot file says that all Boost libraries should be built without automatic linking (specified by adding <define>BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1 to the main boost library requirements). If you remove that line then your examples compile & link correctly, assuming you have built the needed libraries and have them on your library search path.

 Volodya: Is there something Boost Build could do to help with this? File-system library target already has a dependency listed on the system library and its examples have a dependency on the file-system library. Why would that not be enough to make its examples explicitly link to the system library? I am asking you because I'm kinda swamped in real-life work at the moment and your name is listed in the file-system examples build file.

 Best regards,
   Jurko Gospodnetiæ

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